What are the board-approved courses available for the new PSTs?

  1. NENA TCC (online) https://www.nena.org/page/tcc The AL 9-1-1 Board has secured a discount code to this ONLINE course. If you want to register anyone from your PSAP email @Laura.
  2. APCO PST 1 (online or in-person) https://www.apcointl.org/apco_course_category/pst/
  3. IAED ETC (online or in-person) https://www.emergencydispatch.org/what-we-do/courses-and-training?tab=etc-tab
  4. PowerPhone PST Course https://www.powerphone.com/product/site-licensed-training
  5. Smart Horizons 911 PST Basic Program (online) 60 hours https://psts.smarthorizons.biz/911-public-safety-telecommunicator-basic-program