Alabama 9-1-1 Board Grant Program-Cycle 8

The eighth cycle of the Alabama 9-1-1 Board Grant Program is now open and accepting applications.

The overall goal of the Grant Program is to provide financial assistance to Emergency Communication Districts (ECDs) based on demonstrated need(s) in compliance with §11-98 et seq. of the Code of Alabama 1975, as amended. The purpose is to partially fund the non-recurring costs of projects necessary to achieve or maintain continuity and enhancement of 9-1-1 assuring that every location in Alabama has equitable access to 9-1-1 service.  These projects include but are not limited to maintaining up-to-date call handling equipment (CHE), projects contributing to the completion of the GIS databases required for a NENA i3 compliant NG9-1-1 system, and projects that lower call processing times, particularly in cases where calls are transferred from primary PSAPs to secondary PSAPs or dispatch centers.

The application period for Grant Cycle 8 opens today, May 30, 2023; applications are due on or before August 1, 2023.  Review of applications will take place during the month of August 2023 and grants will be recommended for award at the Alabama 9-1-1 Board meeting on September 20, 2023.

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